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Too Sweet

4.4 ( 2544 ratings )
Hälsa & Fitness Mat och dryck
Utvecklare: Nick Hayward

Did you know the average amount of sugar in a can of soda is 39g! Thats a ton of added sugar and will result in fatigue and lethargy through out the day. FDA has taken the initiative to start adding added sugar to nutrition labels by 2017.

Too Sweet was built to enable simple tracking of all the sugar we have throughout the day in an effort to try and reduce our intake and bring awareness.

Added sugars can be hidden in the ingredient list of your everyday foods. Please check your labels for these ingredients and limit you consumption by tracking your daily added sugar intake. Added sugars include but are not limited to the following list of ingredients. In addition a rule of thumb can be any ingredient that ends in “-ose” is most likely an added sugar.

• anhydrous dextrose
• brown sugar
• confectioners powdered sugar
• corn syrup
• corn syrup solids
• dextrose
• fructose
• high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
• honey
• invert sugar
• lactose
• malt syrup
• maltose
• maple syrup
• molasses
• nectars (e.g., peach nectar, pear nectar)
• pancake syrup
• raw sugar
• sucrose
• sugar
• white granulated sugar
• cane juice
• evaporated corn sweetener
• crystal dextrose
• glucose
• liquid fructose
• sugar cane juice
• Honey

======================== Release Notes 1.0 ========================
- Easy input for sugar tracking
- HealthKit integration for sugar
- Daily limit of sugar

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